Course curriculum

This online course is designed to improve you and your sales team’s ability to have persuasive sales conversations with your customers. Learn to leverage human-to-human connections through proven psychological and sales techniques.

    1. All the Boring stuff. . .

    2. Program Structure & Timelines

    3. What is Thinkific?

    4. Module Summaries & Workbook

    5. Office Hours call

    6. Use the Discussions Tab within Thinkific for your questions!

    7. Introduction to Unfair Advantage & Meet Rich!

    1. Master the Meeting

    1. Sales Presentations Framework: Missing Link Action Framework

    1. The Economy of Emotion

    1. Talking Numbers & Data

    1. Pricing Strategies

About this course

  • $329.00
  • 14 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content


"The business has experienced significant improvement as a result of our journey with Rich and the Missing Link team related to the Unfair Advantage Sales Mastery Series. Our overall performance has noticeably increased, with enhanced productivity, improved team effectiveness, and heightened customer engagement. " -Billy Lynch, Chubb Life


  • Module 1: Master the meeting

    Learn how to perfectly structure and master a 30-minute meeting (online or in-person). Discover how to stick to the ideal agenda and control the meeting even when the ball’s in your client’s court.

  • Module 2: Sales presentation framework

    Meetings without action don’t mean much in terms of revenue. Discover the fundamentals and tools of sales presentation and how to create the proper framework to structure your sales presentations.

  • Module 3: The Economy of Emotion

    Humans make emotional decisions and rationalize them with logic. Learn how to use behavioral psychology and decision-making to leverage the unfair advantage within your customer engagements.

  • Module 4: Talking numbers and data

    Numbers and data can be highly effective tools, but only if delivered effectively. Learn how to communicate big ideas and even bigger data in a way that speaks to your prospects and aligns with their buying behavior.

  • Module 5: Pricing strategiesgear

    In sales, we often tiptoe around pricing. Teach your team to embrace pricing do’s and don’ts and replace compromise with confidence. Your team will learn how to present prices and make deals by understanding the psychology of pricing and how to leverage it to support buying behaviors.

  • Module 6: Conversational presenting

    Discover what it means to present using questions and prompts to achieve core objectives. In this module, your team will learn to leverage conversational presenting skills to create meaningful connections with customers and their core needs.