Course curriculum

    1. Program Structure & Timelines

    2. What is Thinkific?

    3. Assignments

    4. Weekly Office Hours call

    5. Slack Channel & Community

    6. Let's get Started.... Talk Teardowns

    7. Idea Trap

    8. Presentation Foundation Training

    9. Meet your Master... Download your PowerPoint Template!

    10. Pimp Your Preso

    11. How to Record Yourself Presenting Online (for your assignment submissions)...

    1. Introduction to Atomic Talks

    2. Atomic Talk: The Compound Effect

    3. Atomic Talk: Finish What You Start

    1. Summary Talk: Coaching Video

    2. Summary Talk: Bonus Content

    1. Counter Talk: Coaching Video

    1. Tame your Tech: Introduction

    2. Tame your Tech: On the Road

    3. Tame your Tech: On the Stage

    4. Tame your Tech: On the... Line

    1. Pimp your Preso: Introduction

    2. Pimp your Preso: Meet Your Master

    3. Pimp your Preso: Prototype & Prehearsal

    4. Pimp your Preso: The Anatomy of a Great Slide

    5. Pimp your Preso: Give Yourself Props

    6. Pimp your Preso: Handy Hints & Hacks

About this course

  • Free
  • 88 lessons
  • 20 hours of video content