Course Overview

Master the fundamentals of a tool that empowers you to create impactful presentations quickly, driving action and achieving better results.

    1. How to use this course

    2. All the Boring stuff. . .

    3. Intro

    1. Structure first!

    1. 1. Overview of Module

    2. 2. Structuring your narrative

    3. 3. Canva presentation design walkthrough

    4. 4. Styles and branding in Canva

    5. 5. Presentation design resources

    6. Module 2 Questionnaire

    1. 1. Canva AI features

    2. 2. Canva magic presentation builder

    3. Module 3 Questionnaire

    1. 1. Canva’s presenter view

    2. 2. File management and exporting

    3. Module 4 Questionnaire

    1. Wrap up!

    2. Before you go. . .

About this course

  • $6.99
  • 18 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

What You Will Gain

  • From Scratch

    As soon as you push play, you will be introduced to the world of crafting effective presentations and how to do that from scratch in Canva.

  • Canva AI

    Canva has deployed some very effective AI tools to help you a long the presentation creation journey. We'll show you exactly how to use them as effectively as possible.

  • Presenting

    We're going to show you the best practices when it finally comes time to stand and present.